You play a key role in the success of our advocacy efforts, so we are bringing you face-to-face with the people who need to hear your voice at our Policy and Leadership Conference on October 4th and 5th.

We have invited folks from CMS Region 7, key players from KDADS and state legislators to hear what is happening in your organization.

Join us to tell your story and reignite your




Don’t miss out on all the great opportunities. View the brochure  or Register now.

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Stephanie Gfeller, MS, LACHA is the Director of Education and Leadership. Stephanie joined the association in 2019 and oversees the development of our education programs, writes and manages all of our federal grant programs, and leads our Center for Leadership program. With her master’s degree in Gerontology from Kansas State University, adult care home administrator license, experience as a researcher and instructor at the K State Center on Aging, and endless creativity, Stephanie is ideally suited to her leadership role in our field. Outside of work Stephanie enjoys reading, supporting her kids at all their activities, serving as a 4-H club leader, and being outside helping on her family farm. You can reach Stephanie directly at 785.670.8047.