On October 24th, CMS announced the inaugural release of the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Quality Reporting Program (QRP) quality data on Nursing Home (NH) Compare. Nursing Home Compare will now include SNF QRP quality data that can be used to compare SNF providers by their performance on important indicators of quality, such as the percentage of patients with new or worsening pressure ulcers, or the percentage of patients that experienced a fall and sustained a major injury. Specifically, the following five SNF QRP measures are now being displayed on the NH Compare site:

Assessment-based measures:

  1. Percent of Residents or Patients with Pressure Ulcers that are New or Worsened (Short Stay) (National Quality Forum #0678)
  2. Application of Percent of Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH) Patients With an Admission and Discharge Functional Assessment and a Care Plan That Addresses Function (NQF #2631)
  3. Application of Percent of Residents Experiencing One or More Falls with Major Injury (NQF #0674)

Claims-based measures:

  1. Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary-PAC SNF QRP
  2. Discharge to Community-PAC SNF QRP

CMS has decided not to publish a 6th quality measure, Potentially Preventable 30-Day Post-Discharge Readmissions, at this time.

To view the announcement from CMS click here. 

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Addy Mead is our Administrative Coordinator. A Summa Cum Laude graduate of Wichita State University’s Math Education program, Addy is using her planning and organizational skills, creativity, and love of helping others to support our providers and members. As Administrative Coordinator, Addy’s primary duties include overseeing general member communications through social media, our Weekly Member Calls, the Aging Update, and database and website maintenance. She also collaborates with Stephanie and Nicole to plan, produce, and market professional development events, manage Continuing Education processing, as well as assisting with office administration activities. Outside of the office, Addy enjoys crafting, bartending, and spending time with her partner and their two cats. You can reach Addy directly at 785.670.8049.