Has your organization been approached by one of the potential new MCO’s to contract with them for KanCare services? Several LeadingAge Kansas members have reported this. KDADS reports there are several insurance providers that are submitting bids to become a MCO under KanCare 2.0.

This is a common practice for these companies. Those involved in the inception of KanCare will recall that the current MCOs functioned in a similar way. As an organization you can choose to go ahead and contract with them or wait until the new MCOs are selected. Please keep in mind that while these contracts are usually similar in many ways, it is advisable to have these reviewed by your legal counsel, as a matter of good business practice. Especially important is a review of payment terms. There is no penalty in waiting to sign until MCOs are selected.

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Addy Mead is our Administrative Coordinator. A Summa Cum Laude graduate of Wichita State University’s Math Education program, Addy is using her planning and organizational skills, creativity, and love of helping others to support our providers and members. As Administrative Coordinator, Addy’s primary duties include overseeing general member communications through social media, our Weekly Member Calls, the Aging Update, and database and website maintenance. She also collaborates with Stephanie and Nicole to plan, produce, and market professional development events, manage Continuing Education processing, as well as assisting with office administration activities. Outside of the office, Addy enjoys crafting, bartending, and spending time with her partner and their two cats. You can reach Addy directly at 785.670.8049.