The State published proposed Medicaid Rates for the State Fiscal Year 2018 on April 20, 2017 in the Kansas Register. These rates are based on Cost Report Data from 2014-2016 with inflation through December 31, 2017 and a cut of 7.95%. The cut is required to maintain the fiscal impact of the rates at a budget neutral position. These rates are proposed only. They do not restore the 4.47% cut from last year.

If the 4.47% is restored, which we are very hopeful that it will be, there will still be a required cut of 3.48% in order to make the impact budget neutral.

Please be assured that LeadingAge Kansas is keeping a close watch on this situation and voicing our members’ concerns to KDADS. These rates are required to be published with an accompanying request for written comment. If you would like to submit a comment on the proposed rates, you may mail, deliver, or fax your signed, written comments before May 20, 2017 to:

Melissa Warfield
Director of Fiscal and Program Evaluation
Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
New England Building
503 S. Kansas Ave
Topeka, KS 66603-3404
Fax: (785) 296-0256

Visit the Kansas Register to view the full notice, including the methodology.

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Addy Mead is our Administrative Coordinator. A Summa Cum Laude graduate of Wichita State University’s Math Education program, Addy is using her planning and organizational skills, creativity, and love of helping others to support our providers and members. As Administrative Coordinator, Addy’s primary duties include overseeing general member communications through social media, our Weekly Member Calls, the Aging Update, and database and website maintenance. She also collaborates with Stephanie and Nicole to plan, produce, and market professional development events, manage Continuing Education processing, as well as assisting with office administration activities. Outside of the office, Addy enjoys crafting, bartending, and spending time with her partner and their two cats. You can reach Addy directly at 785.670.8049.