On Tuesday this week, the Government Affairs team provided oral proponent testimony in Senate Public Health and Welfare on HB2777, which prohibits the Fire Marshal and employees from utilizing body worn cameras on inspections. Representative Tim Johnson provided oral proponent testimony from his experience with childcare facilities. Written only proponent testimony from Kansas Healthcare Association and the Kansas Hospital Association was also submitted. The Fire Marshal provided oral neutral testimony and highlighted he wished things had not become so “adversarial” with stakeholders. You can watch the committee hearing on YouTube and view the testimony here.
Later in the afternoon, House Health and Human Services held a hearing on SB352, the John D. Springer patient bill of rights. Since adult care homes are not included in this version of the bill, LeadingAge Kansas did not provide testimony but closely monitored what was shared. The two opponents, Kansas Hospital Association and Kansas Medical Society, outlined concerns with SB352 and referred to Representative Eplee’s bill, HB 2548, as being a more well-constructed bill for both patients and providers. The committee attempted to work on the bill immediately preceding the hearing, but the motion was argued by Representative Barth who wanted more time to review the bill. The committee meets on the afternoon of Wednesday with the potential to rework the bill. You can watch the committee hearing on YouTube and view the testimony here.
Senate Ways and Means has begun working on their mega budget bill, but nothing related to our requests has been discussed in the committee yet. House Appropriations is expected to begin their wo