Dr. Jerry Jenks, O.D., founded Outreach Eye Care 42 years ago to break down the barriers to vision care services for people with physical and cognitive challenges. Outreach Eye Care provides services in five states (Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Illinois, and Arkansas). Of special pride is the retention of his team members, comprehensiveness of eye exams, and the unsurpassed quick turn-around for eyeglass replacement or repair. Outreach Eyecare will be part of our Spring Virtual Conference so be sure to visit them. For more information on Outreach Eye Care visit www.outreacheyecare.com or email Dr. Jenks at drjenks@outreacheyecare.com.
If you know of someone or an organization that would make a great LeadingAge Kansas Partner please let us know. Contact Nicole at nicole@leadingage.com or call 785-233-7443.