The Kansas Board of Adult Care Home Administrators (BACHA) met earlier this month in Topeka. Here are some of the highlights:
- Staff from Health Occupations and Credentialing provided data on KS NAB Test Results, Temporary License Report and Licenses Issued via Reciprocity. For 2016, the pass rate for the NAB test in KS was 71%. This is the 2nd highest pass rate since 2016.
- HOC staff read letters of Exemplary Performance and included Renee Porter from Dooley Center in Atchison. Congrats Renee!
- A new AIT Program Manual has been developed by NAB and HOC has linked to it from their website. View the manual.
- The NAB Exam will be changing to reflect the new regulations starting in July of 2016.
- Here is a copy of the minutes from the December 9, 2016 Board Meeting.