The Agency has instituted a new step in the Cost Report process to give providers that need to do last minute corrections/adjustments to their reports. Contact Georgianna Correll, KDADS Facility Program and Finance Manager.
- All but one of the Kansas nursing homes that were in receivership over the past two years have been sold, or have letters of intent to purchase.
- The group discussed reasons that the Governor’s budget calls for a 0% increase in the nursing home budget for the State Fiscal year 2021 (starts July 1, 2020.)
- The agency reviewed the current status of the Governor’s Executive Reorganization Order. Based on legislative hearings thus far, it appears unlikely that the ERO will not become reality.
- The Agency reported that they have put the nursing home satisfaction survey contract out for bid. It was noted that trends in provider participation or trends in responses on questions are not tracked. LeadingAge Kansas recommended that this be done, and results routinely reported. The question of how to measure satisfaction among residents living with dementia was posed.
- Plans for a PEAK Advisory Council are moving slowly. Laci Cornelison at KState will be facilitating the Council, which will be charged with making recommendations for improvement in the PEAK Program. If you have been invited to participate in the Council (and accepted the invitation) please let us know
- The Agency reported that there are currently 14 long-term care surveyor vacancies out of 67 positions.
- 80 nursing homes are under a CNA training lockout.