Full Steam Ahead
The week started off with a bang with public testimony for the KDADS budget in Senate Ways and Means (SWAM) Human Services subcommittee Monday morning. From there, the Government Affairs team made the rounds speaking with legislators on our budget requests and outstanding bills of interest for our members until 3:30 that afternoon with public testimony for the KDHE budget in House Social Services committee. On Tuesday, the House Social Services committee recommended our requests to appropriate funds to cover the 5% Medicaid gap hospice providers absorb on nursing facility room and board and insert proviso language to direct KDHE to work with hospice providers in identifying ways to ensure the funding can be reimbursed in a manner approved by CMS.
On Wednesday this week, the Government Affairs team provided proponent testimony on HB2777 which will limit the Fire Marshal’s office from utilizing body worn cameras on inspections in adult care homes. The team also submitted written only testimony on SB390 in Senate Public Health and Welfare raising concerns on how the bill would open employer liability related to workers’ compensation claims. On Thursday, the Government Affairs team provided testimony on a bill in House Health and Human Services that would transition CCRC registration authority from the Kansas Insurance Department to Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services, as well as potentially change the bed tax amounts and tiers. The good news from that hearing was Chair Landwehr sharing the bed tax changes that were in the original bill language would be removed through an amendment when the bill is worked. Thursday also brought more budget hearings with SWAM Human Services subcommittee hearing our KDHE hospice testimony and House Social Services Budget hearing our KDADS nursing facility, PACE, and HCBS/FE waiver testimony.
Turnaround Time
Next week is going to be a busy one for legislators and the Government Affairs team alike. SWAM Human Services subcommittee will meet at noon on Monday to provide KDADS budget recommendations, and Tuesday at noon to provide KDHE budget recommendations. House Social Services Budget committee will meet on Monday afternoon to provide their KDADS budget recommendations. As of right now, the calendars indicate the full SWAM committee will hear the subcommittees KDADS recommendations on Tuesday morning, but there is the potential that may change depending on what all is included. Monday and Tuesday committees will be working final action on any bills they want to be heard on their chamber floors Wednesday through Friday. Any bills not blessed will have to be passed out of each respective chamber by Friday to continue in the legislative process.
Bill Tracker
View our KanFocus Legislative Tracker for a full listing of where bills currently sit.
Shoutout to our members who provided written or verbal testimony for the budget hearings!
Shawn Sullivan, Emilie Rains, and Sandy Cline
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