We are collecting Program Service Revenue (PSR) from Members to determine dues for the 2018 calendar year. Most members can find their PSR on IRS Form 990, Part I, line 9. As always, you can choose between two simple options to provide the data to us. You don’t have to do both. The deadline for PSR (or Millage) is June 30, 2017.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about LeadingAge Kansas’ Dues Structure

Why Millage?
Millage emphasizes program, not setting of service delivery. Nursing home beds are decreasing as assisted living and housing have increased over the past decade. With members diversifying into a growing range of services, the association’s growth may be not as “bricks and mortar-based” as it has been in the past. In addition, millage is directly related to the individual member’s experience, taking into account variations due to geography, services provided and annual fluctuations in operations.

How is Millage Calculated?
Millage is calculated as a factor of your program service revenue of your organization.

Program service revenue is defined as the revenue an organization receives from aging services. It EXCLUDES unrelated items such as interest, realized and unrealized gains or losses, special events/activities, charitable contributions and any other services unrelated to our mission. Program revenue activities are “primarily those that form the basis for an organization’s exemption from tax,” according to the IRS. Program service revenue is reported on Line (9) of the 990 form filed with the IRS, or may be identified in an organization’s Medicaid cost report or year-end financial statement.

Once program service revenue is received, LeadingAge calculates national dues. LeadingAge Kansas dues are a multiplier (2.45%) of national dues which are reflected on your invoice that is mailed annually in November.

What happens if I don’t submit my program service revenue to LeadingAge Kansas?
If no program service revenue is received, dues automatically increase 5% over previous year’s dues. We encourage members to provide that information to LeadingAge Kansas on a yearly basis. LeadingAge Kansas has been collecting program service revenue since June 1, 2016 for the 2017 dues cycle. Reminders will be sent through newsletters, personal e-mails and personal phone calls to each organization if it is not received.  Our goal is 100%. If you cannot find your PSR, please contact Dana Weaver and she will help you.

Do I have to be a member of LeadingAge as well as LeadingAge Kansas?
Yes. LeadingAge serves you on the national scale by advocating with congress, CMS and in many different areas.  LeadingAge Kansas and LeadingAge National have entered into an agreement that all memberships will be reciprocal. This agreement occurs with each state affiliate in the LeadingAge membership. Each LeadingAge Kansas member Director, Admin or CEO should be receiving weekly communications from LeadingAge National updating you on what is happening in Washington. If you are not receiving information from them or would like to add additional people to their e-mail list, please contact Diana Stettnisch or Leanna Chaffee.

What guiding assumptions did LeadingAge Kansas use when determining the state millage rate?
The Board agreed on several fundamental guiding assumptions related to a change in dues structure. First, a switch to millage must be budget neutral and should not be designed to result in a “windfall” for the association. Every member should pay their fair share. Membership should remain accessible to the small member. And finally, value is of foremost importance to members and the association.

I have additional questions. Who should I contact?
Contact Dana Weaver, COO or Debra Zehr, President in the LeadingAge Kansas offices. Topeka residents can call 785-233-7443, all others are welcome to use our toll-free number:  1-800-264-5242.