As part of the LeadingAge Center for Workforce Solution’s continued interest in workforce recruitment issues, Susan Hildebrandt with LeadingAge National is seeking information about 1) your community’s involvement with educational institutions in your area (K-college) and 2) internship programs you’ve established in your organization. Please answer the following 3 questions and respond to me at Alternatively, she can call you at your convenience.
- Does your community have relationships with educational institutions? (K-College);
- Does your organization provide internships? If yes, for which positions or areas, e.g., AIT, dining or social work?
- Are the internships paid or unpaid? Why or why not?
- If you do offer internships, what has worked? What hasn’t worked?
If you have put together a successful internship program, we’d be interested in looking at it. In fact, we could add it as a promising practice on the Center for Workforce Solutions so that everyone could benefit from your idea!