• 315 total resurveys – 315 (average/yr. from 2016-2019 was 238)
  • # G+ surveys – 32 (Average/yr. from 2016 – 2019 was 40). % of surveys that resulted in a G+ deficiency – 10.2% (Average/year from 2016 – 2019 was 16.6%)
  • Average # deficiencies – 6.4 (average/yr. 2016-2019 was 7.0)
  • 32 zero-deficiency surveys in 2019 (9.9% of all surveys) (Average/yr. % 2016-2019 was 8.4%)
  • Top G+ deficiencies for 2019 – 689 Free of Accident Hazards/Supervision/Devices (30%), FTag 692-Nutrition/Hydration Status Maintenance (30%), FTag 686-Treatment/Svcs to prevent/heal pressure ulcer came in number 3 highest G+ at 15.2%.  Interesting to note that this tag topped the G+ list in the last quarter of 2019 at 28.6%

Get the NF deficiency full scoop for 2019.

Regional Stats for 2019

  • Kansas City Region:
    • 170 total tags cited.  Top 3 tags – 880 Infection control, 812 food procurement/storage and 761 label/store drugs.  758 antipsychs and 757 Unnecessary drugs were close behind.
  • Northeast Region:
    • 172 total tags cited. Top tags – 758 antipsych drugs, 812 food procurement/storage, 757 unnecessary drugs and 689 free of accidents
  • Northwest Region:
    • 177 total tags cited.  Top tags – 657 care plan timing and revision, 812 food procurement/storage, 880 infection prevention and control, 761 free of accident hazards
  • Southeast Region:
    • 215 total tags cited.  Top tags – 812 food procurement/storage, 880 infection prevention and control, 761 free of accident hazards, 757 drug regimen free of unnecessary drugs
  • Southwest region:
    • 170 total tags.  Top tags – 656 development/implementation care plan, 657 care plan timing and revision, 812 food procurement/storage, 880 infection prevention and control

Highlights of AL/RHC/HP 2019 Resurvey Deficiencies

For the first 3 quarters of 2019:

  • 203 total resurveys done
  • 33% zero-deficiency
  • Average of 3.6 deficiency/survey
  • 10% of resurveys resulted in a G+  (Tags 5155 – Health Care services and %5026-ANE topped the G+ list)

For the last quarter of 2019:

  • 35 resurveys done
  • 37% zero-deficiency
  • Average of 4.1 deficiencies/survey
  • There was 1 G+ survey during this quarter. Disaster and emergency preparedness was the Tag.

Get the full AL/RHC/HP deficiency scoop.

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Rachel Monger, JD, LACHA is President/CEO. Rachel joined LeadingAge Kansas in 2011 as the Director of Government Affairs and has been a powerful voice for our membership ever since. Rachel is a Kansas licensed attorney and adult care home administrator. She received her bachelor’s degree from Bard College at Simon’s Rock in Great Barrington, MA, and her Juris Doctorate from the University of Kansas School of Law. Over the years, Rachel has served in many volunteer roles in her community and in the state of Kansas to support senior needs, aging services education, and community mental health services. She is also a member of the Board of Governors for the Kansas Health Care Stabilization Fund. As an award-winning trial lawyer, turned award-winning senior care advocate, she has spent nearly two decades passionately supporting quality of care and quality of life for Kansas seniors. When not at work, Rachel loves reading, crafting, volunteering with her church, and spending time with her partner Steven. You can reach Rachel directly at 785.670.8046.