Health Quality Innovators (HQI) is pleased to announce the addition of two experienced local improvement partners to the Health Quality Innovation Network (HQIN): the Kansas Foundation for Medical Care (KFMC) and the Kansas Healthcare Collaborative (KHC). Both organizations will support Kansas clinicians, health care providers and other organizations as they strengthen nursing home quality, combat the opioid epidemic, reduce readmissions and improve outcomes for rural communities.

The KFMC team will focus on nursing homes. Participating homes will receive support to improve quality measure performance, reduce readmissions and prevent infections. Learn more about the HQIN nursing home initiative by reviewing our fact sheet.

HQIN membership is collaborative and includes learning opportunities from regional high-performing providers that share best practices and helpful tips. With your time at a premium, HQIN’s trainings are designed to be quick-hitting, bite-size segments for clinicians and frontline staff. Operating under the HQIN umbrella, HQI, KFMC, KHC and The Carolinas Center for Medical Excellence (CCME) lead quality efforts in Kansas, Missouri, South Carolina and Virginia.

Get started today! To learn more, visit or follow us on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn.

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Rachel Monger, JD, LACHA is President/CEO. Rachel joined LeadingAge Kansas in 2011 as the Director of Government Affairs and has been a powerful voice for our membership ever since. Rachel is a Kansas licensed attorney and adult care home administrator. She received her bachelor’s degree from Bard College at Simon’s Rock in Great Barrington, MA, and her Juris Doctorate from the University of Kansas School of Law. Over the years, Rachel has served in many volunteer roles in her community and in the state of Kansas to support senior needs, aging services education, and community mental health services. She is also a member of the Board of Governors for the Kansas Health Care Stabilization Fund. As an award-winning trial lawyer, turned award-winning senior care advocate, she has spent nearly two decades passionately supporting quality of care and quality of life for Kansas seniors. When not at work, Rachel loves reading, crafting, volunteering with her church, and spending time with her partner Steven. You can reach Rachel directly at 785.670.8046.