On January 10th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) held a webinar reviewing regulatory requirements and best practices for the person-centered service planning (PCSP) process for individuals receiving Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS). Presenters reviewed common themes from on-site heightened scrutiny reviews from the HCBS Settings Final Rule. Some commonly identified areas of non-compliance include:
- Seeming development of plans without the person for whom it was developed, and therefore not having the PCSP signed.
- No indication that choices were offered in living location, employment, or community integration.
- Informed choice should be demonstrated in the PCSP by listing out all choices a person was offered, then documenting what selection was made.
CMS repeatedly used language that the PCSP should support a ‘participant’s good life’ and that it should balance both what is important to the person and what is critical for their wellbeing. The slides from the presentation can be viewed here.