MDS Coordinators are you updated with the changes, deletions and additions made to the MDS and RAI as of October 1, 2018? If your answer isn’t yes to this question, this is the training to you need to educate yourself.
Join Suzy Harvey RN-BC, RAC-CT with BKD, February 28th in Salina, Kansas for an update regarding MDS 3.0 and Medicare. Besides providing an update of the changes, deletions and additions made to the MDS and RAI as of October 1, 2018. This training will provide an in-depth review of the MDS changes as well as a refresher of MDS items that remain important to the RAI process. We will also review how the MDS impacts Quality Measures, Medicaid RUG’s, 5-STAR rating system on NH Compare, QRP and VBP programs.
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