Have you ever had a conversation with someone only to learn later they didn’t hear what you thought you said? Or they only heard part of the conversation? Most of us have been on both sides of this kind of communication breakdown. It often happens because of
distraction, fatigue or assumptions. It also happens when a lot of information is being shared at once. No matter the cause, it can lead to negative outcomes when it happens in resident care situations.

TeamSTEPPS® offers a simple yet effective tool to overcome this communication
challenge. The checkback tool closes the communication loop. It helps the sender and
receiver verify and confirm the information exchanged. The process has three distinct steps.

  1. The sender shares the message.
  2. The receiver hears the message and repeats back what they heard.
  3. The sender verifies the received information is accurate.

This tool should be taught to the full team and encouraged in all verbal communications. It
will take some time for it to feel comfortable but with practice it will become a communication norm. Once it does, it will help reduce errors, confusion and conflict. The checkback tool can also be used in communications with residents and their family members. It can help clarify expectations and reduce misunderstandings.

Interested in using the checkback in your organization? The short video from
TeamSTEPPS® can be used to show the team how the tool works. After viewing the video, have the team members use a scenario from their work to practice with a partner or in a small group. Translating the tool’s use into daily practice will require
modeling and coaching.