Handwriting text Spring Cleaning. Conceptual photo thorough cleaning of a house or room during spring Paper blue desk computer keyboard office study notebook chart numbers memo

We are doing some early spring cleaning of our database and need your help! If you have new staff you’d like to have get communications from us or know there are former staff members still in our system, please contact Nicole at nicole@leadingagekansas.org. We want to make sure we are reaching your team with the latest updates, learning opportunities and resources. 

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Nicole Schings is the Director of Member Services and Business Development. Nicole joined the association in 2018, and oversees our Member Services program, our Partnership and Associate Member relationships, and our online education system. A graduate of Washburn University, Nicole uses her 22 years of experience in the association world to enhance the support of our members, problem solve their issues and bring new partners into the LeadingAge Kansas family. Outside of work, Nicole is passionate about geocaching and moments spent with her dog, Blu. You can reach Nicole directly at 785.670.8048.