CDC and CMS Clarifications on Enhanced Barrier Precautions (EBP) 
CDC recently released updated guidance on Enhanced Barrier Precautions in Nursing Homes. CDC’s Lt. Cmdr. Dr. Kara Jacobs Slifka joined the Nursing Home Network on July 26 to review the updated guidance and answer member questions. Dr. Jacobs Slifka emphasized that this guidance was first released in 2019 and is intended to allow for a less restrictive experience than the alternative of contact precautions. The guidance is meant for high-contact care activities in which the resident and healthcare personnel are in close contact for an extended period of time.  

When asked on the national associations “small call” with CMS how surveyors will be enforcing this new guidance, CMS reiterated that CDC recommendations are not requirements, though nursing homes may implement the recommendations as nationally accepted standards. While the EBP guidance is referenced in the new CMS guidance on F880, CMS has not instructed state survey agencies to survey on this guidance specifically. 

BA.5 Booster  
Anthony Fauci said on July 25th that a COVID-19 vaccine booster specific to the BA.5 omicron subvariant is the “best guess” for dealing with the virus this fall amid the ever-evolving coronavirus pandemic. Both Pfizer and Moderna have said they are working on BA.5 specific boosters that should be ready by the fall. Read more here


Keeping Up with COVID Webinar 
The recording and handouts from today’s “Keeping Up with COVID” webinar with KDADS and KDHE will be available soon. 


Join Us This Friday for our Weekly Webinar 
On July 29th, we will host Chuck Clanahan, U.S. Department of Homeland Security who will present on the Active Shooter Policy. This session will NOT be recorded due to a request from him. Make sure to attend the webinar live that day so you don’t miss his session. The entire webinar will not be recorded as we cannot start recording in the middle. We can’t wait to have you join us! 

Get the latest on COVID-19, CMS, the Legislature and more each Friday at 10 AM. If you haven’t registered for future calls, you can do so here. If you would like to listen to updates you have missed, visit this page. 


Campaign Special Feature: Workforce Wednesday 
The workforce crisis in our sector requires immediate action. LeadingAge is pulling out all stops to urge the federal government to take action in the Aging Services Workforce Now advocacy campaign, while also providing resources and tools for members to make an immediate impact in their workforce and communities. Join us to take action for the aging services workforce–now

This is National Workforce Day Of Action— Contact Congress and post a story on your social media 
It is time for us to make more noise to let our elected leaders in Washington D.C, know they must act NOW for the aging services workforce. Today, join fellow LeadingAge members around the country for a virtual National Workforce Day of Action and demand Congress take responsibility and immediate action to address the workforce crisis in aging services.  

Today, we ask LeadingAge members to:  

  • Contact your members of Congress and tell them to strengthen the workforce and support the aging services infrastructure by taking action on critical legislation. 
  • Post a story on social media urging others to take action and show how your workforce is making a difference by serving older adults in your community. Be sure to use the social media toolkit to help you focus on your story and your posting easy! 
  • Recruit more resident and staff advocates to add their voice as we urge Congress to take action during the Aging Services Workforce Now campaign–and beyond. 

Today’s Online Coronavirus Policy Update 
Join us today at 2:30 PM CT for the workforce-focused weekly update. Register today


Previous articleNew Resources for 2022 Nursing Home RoPs and Guidance Clarifications
Next articleCDC Resource on C. Auris
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Nicole Schings is the Director of Member Services and Business Development. Nicole joined the association in 2018, and oversees our Member Services program, our Partnership and Associate Member relationships, and our online education system. A graduate of Washburn University, Nicole uses her 22 years of experience in the association world to enhance the support of our members, problem solve their issues and bring new partners into the LeadingAge Kansas family. Outside of work, Nicole is passionate about geocaching and moments spent with her dog, Blu. You can reach Nicole directly at 785.670.8048.