Did You Miss Our Update Webinar Today? Here is What You Missed
Debra Zehr provided an overview of our Membership guide to Coronavirus Funding Available from Counties and how to go about requesting funding. We also provided other state and federal updates pertaining to COVID-19.

Listen to the recordingDownload the PowerPoint.

You will want to be on next week’s webinar – It’s the latest information on what is happening regarding COVID-19. Webinars are free for members and held every Friday at 10 AM. If you haven’t already,register for next week’s webinar.

Act Now: Guide to Coronavirus Funding Available from Counties
LeadingAge Kansas has developed this important guide to help members apply for CARES Act funding from their local counties. The Federal CARES Act (enacted in March 2020) established a Coronavirus Relief Fund which is being funneled to each state to help with the fight against COVID-19.  Kansas has received just over $1 billion in federal relief money, half of which is being distributed directly to each county in the state. We want you to have as much of this money as possible.

Advocating for Statewide ACH COVID-19 Funding
LeadingAge Kansas, KHCA and KACE have developed this proposal for additional statewide funding for adult care homes.  It calls for funding for COVID-19 testing for adult care home staff and residents, regardless of their payor source, as directed by a local or state health official, or if deemed prudent by an adult care home executive for the safety of residents and staff.  Our preference is for labs to bill Medicare or the State directly, without involvement of the adult care home, since they are already stretched to capacity at this time, and especially so when an outbreak is developing or occurring. It also calls for a $20 per adult care home resident per day, regardless of resident payment source, through the end of the calendar year at a minimum.  Advocacy is occurring with the Governor’s Office, the SPARK Task Force.  

Tips from Members About County Coronavirus Relief Funding
Holly Noble at Attica LTC reports that Harper CO formed a county cares act funding committee.  Their board chair has a seat on the committee. Does your county have a similar committee? If so, ask for representation on it.  Mike Smith at Wheat State Manor reports that he is already “knee deep” in connecting with the Butler County Commission and educating them about challenges nursing homes are facing. He asked for, and got, an opportunity to make a presentation at a county commission meeting.  We know of one county in which all of the adult care homes are meeting and developing a joint ask for funding.  Let Debra debra@leadingagekansas.org know what up in your neck of the woods, and any tips you have for others.

Members are Asking…
Q. Is it correct that if our organization has even one positive COVID-19 case, all staff and all residents need to be tested?

A. Correct, if the facility or the local health department (LHD) involve us (KDHE) then our recommendation is for unit-wide, building-wide, or facility-wide testing (depending on the scenario). Usually, we provide the supplies and the facility does the sampling themselves and sends the samples back to KHEL (KDHE lab). Sometimes, the facility does not have the staffing available to do their internal sampling and so they might request help from the LHD. If the LHD can help, they will but many times they are not able to provide the staff to go out and do the sampling either, so that leaves everyone in a bit of a bind. In those cases, the LHD might make another recommendation like just watching for signs and symptoms and testing people who are symptomatic. Or just testing close contacts rather than some wider testing.  Farah S. Ahmed, State Epidemiologist, KDHE


KDADS PPE Survey for Adult Care Homes
If you have not already done so, we encourage you to complete the survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QK8YJ2Q. Survey results will assist the agency to fulfill their new requirement, as contained in House Bill 2016, to provide necessary PPE to adult care homes.  

Statewide COVID-19 Testing Strategy and KDADS’ Adult Care Home Testing Plan Requirements – What You need to Know
Join with your Kansas Adult Care Home colleagues on July 20th, 10 – 11 AM for a free webinar to learn about the Statewide COVID-19 Testing Strategy and KDADS’ requirement for adult care homes testing plans. There will be time for Q&A. (Note: A limited number of connections are available. Register soon.)


  • Dr. Farah Ahmed, State Epidemiologist, Kansas Department of Health and Environment
  • Scott Brunner, Deputy Secretary, Kansas Department for Aging and Disabilities Services

Register today to be part of this call.

Kansas Resource Guide for COVID-19
The Kansas Resource Guide for COVID-19 is meant to share accurate information and resources for the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of Kansas citizens. It is a result of a collaborative effort between state agencies such as the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Kansas Department of Agriculture, and the Kansas Division of Emergency Management. This resource guide can be shared with state, local, or community partners to increase both knowledge and availability of resources and services during COVID-19. In this guide you will find information and resources related to various topics, like: COVID-19, Mental Health, Substance Use, Anti-Violence, Parenting, Household, Agriculture, Information, and Business and Legal.


CLIA Waiver to Receive Federal Testing Kits
Nursing homes must have the CLIA certificate of waiver to receive the instrument and tests HHS is promising to send. If you do not have a waiver apply as soon as possible. Right now it is taking a few days to get applications turned around.

More about the HHS testing announcement (includes latest Q&A).

SNF QRP Non-Compliance Notices Available, Reconsideration Requests Due Aug. 18
CMS reported Monday, July 13, that it had distributed notifications to skilled nursing facilities (SNF) determined to be out of compliance with the SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP) requirements for Calendar Year 2019, impacting FY2021 SNF payments. Learn more.



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Nicole Schings is the Director of Member Services and Business Development. Nicole joined the association in 2018, and oversees our Member Services program, our Partnership and Associate Member relationships, and our online education system. A graduate of Washburn University, Nicole uses her 22 years of experience in the association world to enhance the support of our members, problem solve their issues and bring new partners into the LeadingAge Kansas family. Outside of work, Nicole is passionate about geocaching and moments spent with her dog, Blu. You can reach Nicole directly at 785.670.8048.