• LeadingAge Kansas Calls KDHE on Misleading Memo to Long Term Care Providers
    We understand that many long-term care providers received this memo from KDHE this week. Once LeadingAge Kansas learned about the memo we immediately sent a high priority message to the Governor’s Office and KDHE demanding that they rescind the memo. We contacted KDADS Secretary Laura Howard immediately to inform her of the inappropriate memo and asked for her help in getting this thing pulled. Stay tuned on that. 
  • A Video Message from Secretary Howard to Healthcare Workers – Secretary Laura Howard and Governor Laura Kelly extend their appreciation and a sincere thank you to healthcare workers in nursing and long-term care facilities for the compassionate around-the-clock care they provide to our most high-risk Kansans, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch video.
  • Plan to Reopen Kansas to be Announced Tonight – The Governor will deliver an address at 6:30 this evening on the Administration’s official plan to reopen Kansas as the state addresses the COVID 19 pandemic. The address will be broadcast on live television and available to radio stations in Kansas, and livestreamed on the Governor’s Facebook page.
  • KDHE releases Long-term Care Facility COVID-19 Readiness Self-Assessment Checklist: Visitor and non-essential personnel restriction.
  • Add another reporting requirement to your list – KDADS sent out a memo on April 28th requiring “nursing and LTC facilities” to report COVID-19 positive cases in residents and/or staff to the KDADS hotline at 800-842-0078.  Please direct questions to Scott Brunner
  • There are 4,238 cases of COVID-19 in Kansas today. These numbers represent ONLY individuals that have had a positive COVID-19 test.| Map of COVID-19 in KS.


Weekly COVID-19 Call

Join us tomorrow at 10 AM for our weekly COVID-19 Webinar. This week we will talk about the lifting of the stay at home order and how it affects nursing homes, information about a new CMP grant, communications plan with other associations and Q & A.

Registration is free. (please note that this is a new link and you will need to re-register)

Miss a weekly webinar update? Check out the archives.

Here are our other upcoming timely webinars focused on COVID-19:

Help Us Spread 50 Good Stories!

We want to hear and share about the many wonderful things that are going on with LeadingAge Kansas members in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis.  Not only have you been at the frontline in protecting our frailest Kansans during a once-in-a- lifetime pandemic, you are doing remarkable things to:

  • Help your members engage with their families, communities
  • To have fun and celebrate the good things in life
  • Communicate with residents, families, staff to make sure folks are informed
  • Honor, support and equip your team members for the fight
  • New partnerships you have forged to best serve your residents and staff

We’re looking for short stories with a personal flair that maybe even pull at the heartstrings.  No real names, other than your organization.

Send your story or stories to dana@leadingagekansas.org .  Thank you to those who already have!


CDC Has Released the LTC Facility Component of the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) for COVID-19 Reporting

While CMS has not yet issued the regulation that we expect will require providers to report cases of COVID-19 through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN), the CDC announced the NHSN LTC Facility Component has been released and the module is active. The CDC announcement also includes links to webinars (next one on May 1!) on the module and on how to enroll in NHSN. The training webinars will be recorded and posted to the LTCF COVID-19 Module webpage with a PDF of the slide presentation.  

LeadingAge has heard that the 12-hour notification requirement may not be in the rule after all, but this cannot be confirmed until CMS releases the rule. The 72-hour requirement for reporting an outbreak is still likely to be in the rule, according to the source.  LeadingAge advocacy continues with HHS/CMS and Congress to either rescind this requirement or develop a reporting system that involves only ONE report from providers (not one to the health department and another to CDC).



Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Application for Communicative Technology Requests

Recognizing that visitor restrictions may be difficult for residents and families during COVID-19, CMS has developed this application template and application approval level for requests for the use of Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment funds to provide residents with adaptive communicative technologies. Applicants shall submit this CMP Reinvestment Application to the applicable state agency (SA). The SA shall make a determination on the potential of the project to benefit nursing home residents and improve their quality of care or quality of life. The applicant will be notified by the SA about a funding decision, and applicants may contact the applicable SA with questions about their CMP Reinvestment Application. For additional information review the CMP Application for Communicative Technology Requests Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for State Medicaid Agencies.

Previous articleCOVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 4-29-2020
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Nicole Schings is the Director of Member Services and Business Development. Nicole joined the association in 2018, and oversees our Member Services program, our Partnership and Associate Member relationships, and our online education system. A graduate of Washburn University, Nicole uses her 22 years of experience in the association world to enhance the support of our members, problem solve their issues and bring new partners into the LeadingAge Kansas family. Outside of work, Nicole is passionate about geocaching and moments spent with her dog, Blu. You can reach Nicole directly at 785.670.8048.