Hot off the Press: Pre/During/Post Outbreak Toolkit
LeadingAge Kansas has created the Pre/During/Post Outbreak Toolkit to help our members ramp up for a COVID-19 outbreak, manage an outbreak, and navigate/learn in the aftermath. The toolkit includes:

Our thanks to GERTI and Grace Team for lending their expertise to this project. Please tell us what you think. We look forward to getting feedback about possible additions/edits for the future updates. Email your ideas to debra@leadingagekansas.org.

Join Us for our Friday Webinar Update
Here is the link to register for webinars for the rest of the year.

Have a topic recommendation or an idea for a poll? Let us know.


If you Have Not Received Phase 2 Provider Relief Funds
If you have a pending Phase 2 application please enter your information at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MLRHT9D so LeadingAge National can forward this to HHS and advocate on your behalf. Questions?  Email nfallon@leadingage.org


Long-Term Care Unified Testing Strategy Webinar with KDADS
November 10th | 11:00 AM

Join Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 843 3891 9474

To Dial In: (312) 626-6799 | Meeting ID: 843 3891 9474

Please note if you miss the live webinar a recording will be distributed shortly afterwards.


Investigating Whether Communication About OIG Audit is Legitimate
We have heard a couple of reports from members that they have received emails from a person who says he is with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General, Office of Audit Services. IN the email he goes on to say that “the OIG is currently conducting an audit of nursing homes’ reporting of COVID-19 information to the CDC as required by CMS.  As part of this audit, we are reaching out to selected nursing homes to obtain an understanding of how nursing homes are addressing the requirement.  This is an audit of CMS and not an audit of individual nursing homes. We will send an official request letter with additional information and a questionnaire that we would like the nursing home to complete and return to us. Before we send out the official letter and questionnaire, we need to confirm your email address. Please respond to this email so that we can confirm your email.”

LeadingAge National is working to verify whether this is legitimate. If you have received this email and/or an “official request letter and questionnaire” please Janine at jfinck-boyle@leadingage.org know.

Introducing the Pandemic Playbook
This year will be remembered as a time when the worst pandemic in a century brought isolation, illness, and death to too many older adults and the people who care for them across settings in communities around the country. LeadingAge believes this year has also brought tremendous lessons for aging services providers. That’s why we’re proud to develop the Pandemic Playbook, an interactive collection of insight, wisdom, and best practices for serving older adults during a catastrophic health crisis like the one we’re facing now.

LeadingAge members have learned critical lessons about navigating a pandemic. We’ve gathered your collective intelligence for the future. The Pandemic Playbook will help ensure that aging services providers—in our membership and beyond—can prepare for and mitigate the impact of a pandemic by applying learning from this year.

Visit the Playbook now at playbook.leadingage.org. (And join today’s Coronavirus Online Policy Update to hear more about the Playbook.


KHI COVID 19 Surge Report
Kansas Health Institute Report on the COVID-19 Surge and Related Factors such as County Reopening Plans.