LeadingAge National Center for Workforce Solutions Reference Materials Available

Interested in reading background articles about a particular workforce issue? Find them here, grouped by issue.

New Workforce Website Available for LeadingAge Kansas Members

LeadingAge Kansas is pleased to announce a new Workforce Website that was developed for members in response to their increasing workforce needs. Members can access training and education, learn about promising practices, learn about...

LeadingAge Kansas Launches Workforce Website

We are thrilled to announce that we have launched a webpage solely focused on workforce issues. The site will host more information, tools and resources as they become available. Focus areas include Education and Training,...

Behavior-Based Interviewing

Behavior-based interviewing is a technique used in which the job candidate has the opportunity to demonstrate their potential for succeeding in the new job by providing specific examples of how they handled similar situations...

LeadingAge Kansas Workforce Commission

You have heard about our Commission, now learn more about their work and who sits on our Commission. If you are interested in being part of it, please let Dana know.

Framing the Workforce Crisis in the US

LeadingAge National has developed an image outlining the scope workforce crisis. Download the image for use in your organization.

National Nursing Workforce Study

Every two years, NCSBN partners with The National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers to conduct the only national-level survey specifically focused on the U.S. nursing workforce. The National Nursing Workforce Survey generates information...

Looking for Volunteers to Advise LeadingAge Kansas on Changes in Nurse Aide Curriculum

LeadingAge Kansas will host an Advisory Group of members to make recommendations for changes to the Nurse Aide Curriculum. If you are interested in serving on this group, please contact Dana Weaver. The group’s...

Promising Practices Spotted on the LeadingAge National Workforce Webpage for Orientation and Retention

  Check out the following promising practices from other LeadingAge members around the country. We hope they will inspire you as you focus on workforce issues. Mentor Program for New Employees Challenge: Six years ago, managers at...

We Want to Feature Your Workforce Promising Practices

  Do you have a workforce practice that has helped with recruitment, retention, onboarding, leadership, training, etc.? We would like to feature you in an upcoming edition of the Aging Update or our Workforce Webpage. You...

Drawing the Best out of Our Workforce by Gene Mitchell

By my count, educational sessions on workforce and leadership topics outnumbered the sessions in any of the other educational “tracks” at the recent LeadingAge Annual Meeting & EXPO in New Orleans. If you consider the strong...

NCSBN Seeks Qualified Nurses for PN Item Development

  The NCLEX is designed to test the knowledge, skills and abilities essential to safe and effective entry-level nursing practice. The process of developing one item (question) for the NCLEX-PN requires multiple steps over a...