It’s Not Too Late to Join Us for Careers in Aging Services Day

LeadingAge Kansas is launching its first ever Careers in Aging Services Day to promote careers in aging services in Kansas. The goals are 3-fold: Promote careers in aging Connect potential students with aging services...

Workforce Study Pinpoints Impact of Pandemic Stresses on Turnover

A new research brief from the LeadingAge LTSS Center identifies workforce stresses and their impact on turnover during the pandemic. Read more.

5 Surefire New Supervisor Tips for Success

You promoted a superstar employee to a supervisory role. She now manages the people who were once her peers, and while she exhibits strong leadership potential, she’ll likely need guidance along the way. This change in...

Action Needed Now to Shore Up Aging Services Workforce: Findings from LeadingAge Snap Poll

The workforce situation for aging services providers across the continuum is not improving. This was the top finding in a recent snap poll of LeadingAge members. High level takeaways from the snap poll, conducted...

PHI Releases New Annual Report on the U.S. Direct Care Workforce

PHI has updated an annual report, “Direct Care Workers in the United States: Key Facts” provides a snapshot of the direct care workforce demographics. The report includes details on job quality challenges, projected job...

The Demographic Drought – No One to Work in Aging Services

Here’s a summary of the recent LeadingAge national discussion with Ron Hetrick, senior labor economist with EMSI Burning Glass, who wrote about the challenges created by aging baby boomers – they are leaving the workforce...

LeadingAge Kansas Workforce Commission Focuses on Strategy

The LeadingAge Kansas Workforce Commission met last week and conducted a strategic planning session to help guide the work of the association in this area.  The group spent the day talking about how we affect...

AHRQ Nursing Home COVID-19 Workforce Resources

AHRQ recently published several excellent tools to help workers during the COVID crisis. Some of the highlights include: 5-Minute Learning Modules for Frontline Staff: These brief videos offer self-paced learning for those on the front...

Employee Engagement is a Top Indicator of a Successful Organization – Are Your Employees...

Google employee engagement and you will find hundreds of articles (and infographics) on the topic.  The top business and HR minds in the country know that employee engagement in the workplace is directly tied...

PHI Releases New Federal Priorities Report on Direct Care Workforce

The COVID-19 crisis has reinforced the essential value of direct care workers, and a new presidential administration offers a critical window of opportunity to improve jobs for this workforce, says a new report from...

Deadline Approaching: Apply to the National LeadingAge Leadership Academy

Now more than ever, the field of aging services needs reflective and forward-thinking leaders. That’s why the LeadingAge Leadership Academy exists—to give new, aspiring, and seasoned professionals the foundation to build self-confidence through reflective...

Workforce Survey from OnShift

OnShift, LeadingAge Bronze Partner, recently published results of their fall, 2021 survey of 2,000 aging services professionals on current workforce challenges. Access the report at OnShift Workforce Survey