KOTA Fixed and Bed Tax Due Date Extended

KDADS has sent out the following notice to nursing facilities regarding the technical issues last week with the KOTA web app. Notice: The technical issues with the Kansas Organization Tracking Bed Assessment Web Application have been...

Interactive Life Insurance Coming?

John Hancock, one of the oldest and largest North American life insurers, will stop underwriting traditional life insurance and instead sell only interactive policies that track fitness and health data through wearable devices and...

October is National Cyber Security Month

Homeland Security Resources Cyber Security for Nonprofits HIPAA Journal on Cyber Security for Healthcare LeadingAge Cyber Security Resources

New Fannie Mae Healthy Affordable Housing Innovation Challenge

Announced this week:  Fannie Mae Calls for Ideas on Healthy Affordable Housing; $10 Million Innovation Challenge Seeks Proposals that Solve for a Healthier Future. Deadline to apply is November 1. More information here. Fannie Mae...