Breaking Down Stereotypes Between Young and Old: A Creative Campus Program

View a short QuickCast about a creative engagement program designed to help organizations build positive intergenerational relationships with high school and college age students.

Medicaid and Mental Health Toolkit

Older adults deserve access to effective and affordable mental health support and counseling. As the single largest payer for mental health services, Medicaid plays a unique role in the lives of Americans with mental health challenges. ...

Reminder: Continuing Care at Home Conference

The CC@H Virtual Annual Conference is Monday, May 16th - Tuesday, May 17th, and registration is open. Each day is 12:00 – 3:45 PM CT and offers a variety of education sessions tailored to this unique...

Fire Marshal Statement on Nuclear Power and Radiological Risks

Please see the new release from the state fire marshal about nuclear exposure possibilities in Kansas. Email if you have any questions.