You are Invited to Conversation with CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure at Noon CT on...

Health Affairs Editor-in-Chief Alan Weil will welcome Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, the new Administrator at CMS. She oversees programs including Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the health insurance marketplace. There will be an opportunity for...

Summary of FY2022 SNF PPS Final Rule

Here is an article summarizing the major elements of the final SNF PPS rule outlining its impact on rates as well as changes to the SNF VBP and QRP programs.  Highlights include: SNF PPS rates are...

Avoid 2% Rate Reduction -Don’t Miss August 11th Deadline for Reconsideration of Noncompliance on...

SNFs and Hospices that received July notices that they are considered non-compliant with their respective Quality Reporting Program requirements…the deadline to request reconsideration of this status is this Friday, August 13th at 10:59 PM...

Nursing Homes That Are Medicaid Certified Only (Not Medicare) are Not Subject to CMS...

As reported recently CMS issued QSO-21-20-NH that removes the previous memo that called for imposition of CMPs for prior noncompliance solely on a per-instance (not daily) basis. In a “turnabout “as spelled out in the new...

ACL & FEMA Webinar on Preparing Community-Dwelling Seniors for a Major Disaster- August 25th...

ACL and FEMA have partnered on a workshop aimed at preparing organizations that provide critical support services to senior citizens in their communities during a major disaster. Emergency planners for nursing homes, assisted living facilities,...

Survey Readiness Webinar August 31st

Join Janine Finck-Boyle and Bill Vaughan at the Aug. 31st webinar: 1-2 PM CT.  Here’s the link to register for Survey Readiness: Navigating Nursing Home Regulations and Oversight. This webinar will provide an insider’s perspective on nursing home...

Association Meeting with CMS Administrator

Last Friday, LeadingAge CEO Katie Sloan, along with a small group of health and long-term care organization CEOs, participated in a listening session with CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure. Among the issues Katie raised with the...

LeadingAge National Nursing Home Advisory Group Update

Thanks to all who participated in last month’s Nursing Home Advisory Group call. A summary of the call is available here. Topics: OSHA ETS presentation, member discussion on essential caregivers and more.  The next call...

August is National Immunization Month

Resources HERE.  Posters and graphics.

Resources for Infection Preventionists

New KDHE Infection Preventionist (IP) Orientation This tool is a guide to help IPs, novice and experienced, in finding education and resources for the various duties within an IPs purview. It is organized around the...