Protect Yourself From Ransomware
Here’s a great 1-pager on ransomware – what it is, how to protect and what to do if it hits.
Dignity Clothing Protector Pattern
We all know some fellow who is reluctant to wear the needed clothing protector at meal time. Now they can eat with dignity and no reluctance. This garment was designed for a friend who...
Kansas Family Physician of the Year
The Kansas Academy of Family Physicians recognizes a member each year as its Kansas Family Physician of the Year. For more information on criteria, selection process and to submit a nomination go HERE. Submission deadline...
Participate in Ziegler’s Poll on Additional COVID-19 Impact Items and Future Planning
Ziegler has produced monthly reports this year to offer some benchmarks and shared perspectives from the senior living peer network. To inform their next report, they are conducting a new poll on expense reduction measures, occupancy, staff...
November PEAK Newsletter
See this month's edition of the PEAK Newsletter. Topics include:
PEAK Advisory Team Members and the Future of PEAK 2.0PEAK Award WinnersCOVID and PCC Resources Crucial Conversatons: Grow Your Team’s Skills
Releasing Your Creativity: Why Art and Why Now?
(article from Next Avenue)
A package of colorful markers in a kitchen drawer, left behind from someone’s school project.A stack of photos that would make a perfect collage, too meaningful to just tuck into an album.
Thinking About Expanding Your Reach?
The Middle Market Playbook is being graciously provided to LeadingAge members in Kansas and elsewhere free of charge. Please use coupon code is LAComp (case sensitive). 3-minute Middle Market Playbook video.
Ziegler CFO Hotline Report- Monthly Fee Increases
Thanks to all of you who took the time to participate in Ziegler's monthly fee increase survey. This poll is conducted every year. The report is attached and can also be found on the...
An Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Diagnosis Is Met With Resilience
Brian Van Buren also gets a little help from some high-tech friends. Read the article.
Technology and Senior Living
Ziegler is pleased to announce the publication of its new white paper, “Understanding the Technology Ecosystem for Senior Living & Care”. Get your copy.
A Data-Informed Approach to Infection Control During the Pandemic
Never before and since the pandemic has the ability to passively monitor and evaluate infection control processes been so important. One of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) measures that can be...
What is Your 2020 Voting Plan for Your Community?
See the LeadingAge Toolkit for providers.