Sunflower Provider Orientation/Refresher

Sunflower Health Plan is hosting a Provider Orientation/Refresher online September 8th from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM. This is a great way for your organization’s billing staff to make sure they are up-to-date on...

CMS Proposing New Case Mix System and Medicare SNF Rate Structure

Earlier this year, CMS released a notice of proposed rulemaking to create a new case mix system for Medicare SNF payments that would replace RUGs. The notice goes into significant detail in describing the work that...

Welcome to the New Associate Member Section

LeadingAge Kansas is adding a new section to the Aging Update to serve our Associate Members. We will be highlighting new Associate Members and news from current Associate Members. Our Associate Members help all...

KanCare All MCO HCBS Training

Description: This will be an all MCO collaborative session providing training for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) providers. In addition to the training each MCO will be available in a breakout sessions all...

Sunflower Health Plan Prior Authorization Changes

Over the past several months, Sunflower has announced many changes to its prior authorization (PA) requirements as part of an ongoing effort to reduce provider administrative burden and ease member access to services. Some...

Representative Payee Program Review

The Social Security Advisory Board is working on a study of the representative payee program. The board is a bipartisan, independent federal government agency established in 1994 to advise the President, the Congress, and...

SNF Quality Reporting Program: Non-Compliance Letters

In an email on Monday, July 24, 2017, CMS stated that Skilled Nursing Home Providers have been notified if they were determined to be non-compliant with SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP) requirements for Quarter 4...

Third Quarter Provider Assessment Due July 31, 2017

All long-term care providers should have received an email from KDADS last week regarding the Third Quarter Provider Assessment due July 31, 2017. None of the procedures and amounts have changed, however providers that...

Provider Application Fee Update

Per CMS final rule 6028-F, state Medicaid programs must collect an application fee for new provider applications, re-enrollments (revalidations), and reactivations. The following providers are exempt from the application fee: Individual providers, nonphysician...

July 1 Medicaid Rates Announced

Last week KDADS sent out the July 1, 2017 Medicaid Rates. Unfortunately, these rates do not represent a complete restoration of the 4.47% cuts from last year. Many providers were confused to see a...

Money Follows the Person End Date

The current Money Follows the Person demonstration grant as funded by CMS is coming to an end in all 43 participating states. The end date in Kansas for transitions to the community is June...

New Medicare Cards

Medicare is taking steps to remove Social Security numbers from Medicare cards. Through this initiative the Centers for Medicare &a Medicaid Services (CMS) will prevent fraud, fight identity theft and protect essential program funding...