Hats off to The Wheatlands Health Care Center

Hats off to The Wheatlands Health Care Center in Kingman on their zero deficiency survey. Special kudos to the team for handling the survey like pros while Administrator Sherry was vacationing in Alaska.

More Great Survey News

Sterling Presbyterian Manor recently had a survey and received zero deficiencies. These findings propel their organization into back to back deficiency-free surveys. Congratulations to Mike Rajewski and his entire team!

Welcome New Faces in the Membership

Elizabeth McLaughlin was recently named Director of Nursing at Kiowa District Hospital Manor. Welcome Elizabeth and we look forward to working with you!

Allen Reaches Out to Community as New SunPorch of Dodge City Liaison

Debbie Allen may not be new to caring for elders but she is new to SunPorch of Dodge City. Allen, who has always lived within a 50-mile radius of Dodge City, recently joined the long-term-care...

Good News on the Survey Front

Claridge Court in Prairie Village recently completed their annual survey with zero deficiencies. Congratulations to Emily Filla and their entire team!

Congratulations to Our Center for Leadership Graduates

Last week, 13 capable, inspiring individuals received their credential as “Kansas Fellow” for completing our year-long leadership intensive. The group focused on 4 major areas of leadership: Discovering Your Authentic Leadership Leading Through Advocacy...

Locust Grove Village Celebrates 40 Years of Service

Congratulations to Locust Grove Village staff and residents on celebrating 40 years of service to LaCrosse.  They will celebrate in many ways throughout the year. The organization plans to highlight a different key influencer...

Homestead Health Center Recognizes Long Time Employees

Homestead Health Center in Wichita recently recognized 22 staff members with a combined 315 years of employment.  A longevity program has been established which includes a bonus, years of service pin, and certificate.  Homestead...

New Faces in the Membership

Welcome to the new individuals serving in member homes. Susan Billinger is the new Executive Director at Villa Maria in Mulvane Tabitha Clark is the new DON/Nurse Supervisor at Anderson Co Residential Living Center...

Members Receive Great Surveys

Congratulations to the following members and their teams who received excellent surveys recently: Larksfield Place Healthcare Center in Wichita – Zero Deficiencies Dooley Center in Atchison – Zero Deficiencies Wesley Towers in Hutchinson –...

Maxwell, The Puppy, Joins SunPorch of Dodge City Family

Maxwell, an 8-month-old rescue dog, went from leading a lonely existence at the animal shelter to being the life of the party with his new extended family at SunPorch of Dodge City. The puppy officially...

Medical Loan Closet Awarded the “Difference Maker Award”

One of our newest Associate Members, the Medical Loan Closet has been awarded the "Difference Maker Award" from Newman University in Wichita. They are also being honored by the Wichita Business Journal as a...