CMS Releases Final Evaluation of Medicare Care Choices Model 

The fifth and final evaluation of the Medicare Care Choices Model (MCCM) was released by CMS in November. The model, which concluded in December 2021, tested whether offering eligible Medicare beneficiaries the option to...

CMS Imposes Hiring Freeze, May be Impacted by Federal Budget Deal 

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) instituted a partial hiring freeze in July and at an event in Washington, DC on November 8th, Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure cautioned that the agency’s operations will...

Congress Works to Avoid Shutdown 

On November 14th, the House passed a two-step continuing resolution (CR) to keep some federal programs, including HUD’s, funded until January 19th and others, including HHS’s, until February 2nd. Absent enacted fiscal year 2024...