Legislative Update | January 19, 2024

Join Us for Aging Services Day at the Legislature on February 1st in Topeka For the first time, we're hosting a joint Aging Services Legislative with Kansas Healthcare Association/Kansas Center for Assisted Living (KHCA/KCAL) and...

Legislative Update | January 12, 2024

Join Us for Aging Services Day at the Legislature on February 1st in Topeka For the first time, we're hosting a joint Aging Services Legislative with Kansas Healthcare Association/Kansas Center for Assisted Living (KHCA/KCAL) and...

Legislative Update | April 28, 2023

Veto Session Update The Kansas legislature returned this week for "veto session" which is the time reserved at the end of session for any necessary veto overrides and budget clean-up items.  Governor Kelly gave them...

Legislative Update | April 7, 2023

First Adjournment Report The House and Senate adjourned at 4:30am this morning to start their three week break before Veto Session begins.  Both chambers churned through lots of bills this last week -- but the most important...

Legislative Update | March 31, 2023

First Adjournment Nears The House and Senate spent the week in their respective chambers voting on a long list of bills, including several of the ones we've been following. Check out the Bill Tracker below. ...

Legislative Update | March 24, 2023

House Appropriations Committee Approves Additional Long Term Care Funding This week the House Appropriations Committee met to debate and pass out a mega budget bill H Sub for SB 42  for State Fiscal Year 2024...

Legislative Update | March 17, 2023

Long Term Care Funding Advocacy Continues As expected, the Senate passed their mega budget bill yesterday without any additional funding to support a full rebase for nursing facility rates or any additional funds to support...

Legislative Update | March 10, 2023

Long Term Care Funding Stripped by Budget Committees for Further Discussion The road to adequate funding for long term care programs hit a bump in the road this week as both the House and Senate...

Legislative Update | February 24, 2023

Long Term Care Funding Recommendations from House and Senate After hearing testimony last week from various groups (including LeadingAge Kansas) on KDADS funding, the Senate Ways and Means Human Services Sub-Committee and the House Social...

Legislative Update | February 17, 2023

Race to Turnaround The statehouse switched to full chaos mode this week as Legislative committees raced to get bills heard, amended, debated and passed before their meeting deadline next Tuesday ahead of Turnaround.  Turnaround is...

Legislative Update | February 10, 2023

Off to the RacesAfter a historically slow start to the session, the legislature came alive this week with a jam-packed hearing calendar and a rush of bill introductions. Along with our amazing Day at...

Legislative Update | February 3, 2023

Join Us for the LeadingAge Kansas Day at the Legislature on February 8th in Topeka Come join us and make your voice heard on long term care funding and workforce issues!  Register Today Legislative Session Finally Gets...