Leadership and Management Excellence:  Strategies for Success Learning Series Coming this Fall 

LeadingAge Kansas is pleased to announce a virtual series that will take place this fall focused on leadership and management knowledge, skills, and tools. The series will be presented by Del Gilbert of Accelerating...

Weekly Recaps  

Each week, LeadingAge experts curate timely, helpful resources on a variety of topics important to aging services providers.  Nursing Home Weekly Update. Here is your weekly Nursing Home Update.  Workforce Weekly Update. Here is your weekly...

Updates to Administrator Turnover Data Exclusions 

CMS has updated exclusion criteria for the Administrator Turnover measure on Care Compare. Previously, the measure was excluded for nursing homes submitting PBJ data with 5 or more administrators on 12 or more days...

New Emergency Preparedness Resources from ASPR TRACIE 

In the latest issue of The Exchange from the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR), the agency explores healthcare facility utility outages including loss of water and extreme heat emergencies. Resources in the...

Hospice Final Rule Released

On July 28th, CMS released the FY2024 hospice final payment rule. CMS finalized a market basket increase of 3.1% which is slightly higher than the 2.8% that was in the proposed rule. LeadingAge will...

CMS/CMMI Leadership Writes Update on Accountable Care Strategy 

In Health Affairs, CMS and CMMI leadership gave an update on where they are with their Accountable Care strategy – a strategy with a goal of having every Medicare beneficiary in an accountable arrangement...

KFF Releases New Brief on Dual Eligibles  

KFF released a new brief on where dual eligibles get their coverage. 49% of duals are enrolled in Medicare Advantage and 51% are in Traditional Medicare. 30% of duals are in dual-specific plans –...

SNF Provider Preview Reports and Care Compare Refresh 

SNF Provider Preview Reports have been updated and are now available. The reports show performance for quality measures that will be published on Care Compare during the October 2023 refresh. Providers have until August...

MedPAC Releases Annual Data Book Update 

On July 31st, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) issued its 2023 update to its “Data Book: Health Care Spending and the Medicare Program.” LeadingAge hasn’t had a chance to review the 200+-page document...

USCIS Publishes Revised Form I-9 

On August 1st the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published a revised version of Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification).  USCIS had previously indicated its intention to publish a revision, and it is now...

IRS Updates ERC FAQs

The IRS has very recently updated their FAQs on claiming the Employee Retention Credit. While many of the updates clarify points of the ERC that have already been covered by experts on the LeadingAge...

CMMI Announces New Dementia Focused Model 

On July 31st, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) announced the Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) model.  GUIDE is an 8-year voluntary model that will be available to be offered by eligible...