New Resources for 2022 Nursing Home RoPs and Guidance Clarifications

LeadingAge continues to create education and guidance to support member compliance with the long-awaited CMS surveyor guidance on phase 3 of the Requirements of Participation (RoPs). Check out a few of the new member...


Incorrect PBJ data is virtually impossible to correct. Check about halfway through a quarter to make sure the person/vendor responsible for entering payroll is doing it accurately.  

Medicare-Certified Home Health News

Home Health Care Compare July Refresh. Home Health Care Compare has been updated for the July refresh.Corrections to Processing of Canceled HH Notices of Admission and of Period Sequence Edits. On July 21st, CMS issued Change...

Attention MDS/RAI Coordinators: CMS Issues RAI Revisions Related to Schizophrenia

CMS released a revised RAI manual on July 20, 2022. According to the RAI Errata V2 dated July 15, 2022 revisions include instructions on coding Section I related to coding Schizophrenia on the MDS. The Errata notes specific...

LeadingAge Provides Clarification on 21st Century CURES Act

The 21st Century CURES Act DOES NOT APPLY to long-term care and post-acute care providers.  Some vendors are mistakenly encouraging LTPAC providers to prepare, but it is NOT currently required. Read this FAQ. 

July 2022 Updates to Nursing Home 5 -Star Ratings for Staff

CMS rates nursing home quality and quality of other healthcare provider types using a star system and makes public this rating on its Care Compare website. The rating Nursing Home system is calculated based on...

Board of Nursing Newsletter

READ the Latest Newsletter from the Board of Nursing.  (Pretty much devoted to changes occurring in APRN practice due to legislation passed by the 2022 Kansas Legislature.)

Webinar: Beyond Medication Regimen Reviews: Quality Measure Focused Consulting

Presented By Guardian Pharmacy | Thursday September 29th | 1:00 – 2:00 PMDescription: Ensuring quality and improving outcomes in the long-term care setting is a team effort. Due to their complexity, medication therapy and delivery processes should...

Sign up Early for this Webinar: Managing Unplanned Events in Healthcare

Presented By BluSky | Thursday September 8, 2022 | Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM Description: This 1-hour presentation is targeted towards healthcare administrators and employees who have oversight and/or responsibility for emergency and disaster planning. Topics covered include...

Register Now for This Webinar: Medication Safety in Transition in Care: Reducing Medication-Related Adverse...

Presented by Guardian Pharmacy | Thursday August 25th | 1:00 – 2:00 PM Description: Transitioning from the hospital to post-acute care is a high-risk period for medication-related adverse events. Medication discrepancies are common during care transitions and...

You Still Have Time To Sign Up for This Webinar: CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule

Presented By: BluSky | Thursday August 4th |1:00 – 2:00 PM Description: This 1-hour presentation is targeted towards healthcare administrators and employees who have regulatory oversight and/or responsibility for emergency and disaster planning efforts within their organization....

New Webinar Added to the Education Calendar

Cyber Security | Presented By: Cal Roberson of CalTech | Thursday October 20th  | 1:00 – 2:00 PM More Details will be coming soon.Objectives:-Learn about the latest cyber threats and requirements that could impact your organization.-Learn...