Essentials of the LTC DON Role Virtual Training

Interested in developing a nurse leader or as a nurse leader?   This training series is for you.  In partnership with LeadingAge Iowa we are excited to be presenting the Essentials of the LTC DON...

Final Phase 4 Provider Relief and ARP Rural Payment Reconsiderations Deadline

Providers who believe their Phase 4 and/or ARP Rural payment was calculated incorrectly have an opportunity to submit a payment reconsideration request by February 21, 2023 at 10:59 PM CST. All providers have had...

New Resource for Your Board of Directors

Welcome to LeadingAge Kansas' first issue of our new quarterly publication, For Your Board. Each quarter we will focus on a specific governance topic to help you, your leadership team and your board in...

2017 Call for Educational Presentations

Wow -- 2017 is already here and our busy education year is just getting started. As always, our goal is to provide you with the best education possible which is why we are requesting Educational Presentations....

Tallgrass Creek Launches its Facebook Page

Tallgrass Creek retirement community recently launched their Facebook page. The Tallgrass Creek Facebook page is a communications tool to show progress about the community’s site work and construction, provide news about key milestones and post information about...

Assessing the Edmonton Frail Scale, Multidimensional Geriatric Conditions

Read "Assessing the Edmonton Frail Scale, Multidimensional Geriatric Conditions" on Managed Health Care Connect.  Authors of a study recently published in BMC Geriatrics found that the Edmonton Frail Scale (EFS) can be a helpful and potentially cost-effective...

Change to CCRC Status

Many members have been working on becoming CCRCs in order to lower their provider assessment. Questions about the timing of this change and the resulting change in provider assessment rate have come up.  The key date for...

Nursing Home Mega Rule Resources and Templates Coming Soon

In coordination with LeadingAge and the state partners, LeadingAge Kansas has contracted with Pathway Health, a consulting and education firm based in Minnesota, to help nursing home members navigate the Requirements of Participation (RoP)...

Friday Webinar 

Join us each Friday for an update on what is going on pertaining to COVID, updates on the association front, and much more.   If you haven’t registered already, you can do so here. You can also...

Register Today & Become an Operator in Just Four Weeks

This 4-week course combines independent online learning with Zoom sessions and includes all the requirements from the state-approved operator’s course for assisted living and state licensed only adult care homes. In addition to requirements,...

Education Input Needed

As we work to make our education even better in 2023, and beyond, we need a little help from you. An educational planning group is being formed to discuss needs and approaches.  If you...