COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 2-21-2022
Battelle UpdateThere are now less than 7 weeks remaining prior to the deadline (March 31, 2022.) Given Battelle’s onboarding process can take about 4 weeks, if you’re interested in continued routine testing support,...
COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 2-16-2022
Don’t Miss the Virtual Advocacy Day During our Friday WebinarGet the insider scoop with what is going on under the dome in Topeka. Our guests will be:
Senator Kristen O’SheaKari Bruffett with KHISean...
COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 2-14-2022
Unrelated to COVID, But Time SensitiveFire Marshal Supervisor Randy DeShon will speak about power strips in healthcare this Wednesday, February 16th at 1 PM. Join Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 931 5542 4830. Passcode:...
COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 2-9-2022
About the February 8th KDADS/KDHE Webinar for LTC Providers. KDAD and KDHE were unable to share much new information of value to attendees, but plan to follow up with attendees who had questions...
COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 2-7-2022
Important Webinar on February 8th at 2 PM: KDADS LTC Provider Webinar on Staff Vaccination Mandate and Testing Time will be reserved for Q &A. Presenters: Deputy Secretary Scott Brunner, Commissioner Lacey Hunter, Assistant...
COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 2-4-2022
CLIA NoteIf you are using different antigen tests than you originally put on your CLIA waiver application, email
View the Archived Public Hearing on HB 2524 to Regulate Staffing AgenciesArchived in the...
COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 2-2-2022
Employer Responsible to Inform Out-of-State Nurses to Report to KSBN under HB477A nurse that has an out-of-state license in good standing may work in Kansas under HB2477. Such a nurse must notify within...
COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 1-31-2022
Important Webinar on February 8th at 2 PM: KDADS LTC Provider Webinar on Staff Vaccination Regulatory Oversight and Enforcement Time will be reserved for Q &A. Presenters: Deputy Secretary Scott Brunner, Commissioner Lacey...
COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 1-28-2022
Additional Precautions for Unvaccinated Staff
There has been much confusion lately over whether an N95 is required for unvaccinated staff under the new CMS vaccine mandate. The CDC continues to recommend universal source control...
COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 1-26-2022
Surveyors to be Fully VaccinatedCMS posted a memo this yesterday outlining VACCINATION EXPECTATIONS FOR SURVEYORS. You read that right. CMS has now outlined expectations that surveyors should be vaccinated against COVID-19. Read the...
AHRQ Nursing Home COVID-19 Workforce Resources
AHRQ recently published several excellent tools to help workers during the COVID crisis. Some of the highlights include:
5-Minute Learning Modules for Frontline Staff: These brief videos offer self-paced learning for those on the front...
COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 1-24-2022
Kansas State Fire Marshal WebinarsThe office of the state fire marshal is providing educational content for long term care providers in January and February. If you missed the January webinar on ITM on...