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COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 12-19-2022

UPDATES RELATED TO ALL HANDS ON DECK AND COVID VACCINES/BIVALENT BOOSTERS  CDC Posts Agreement for Long-Term Care Providers Seeking to be Enrolled as Vaccinators Late December 16th, CDC posted the Sub-Provider Agreement for Long-Term Care Facilities...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 9-24-2021

VACCINE NEWS  CDC Approves Booster Shots for Long Term Care Residents and StaffThis morning CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky overruled the ACIP group’s recommendations and has approved Pfizer vaccine booster shots for both residents and...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 11-29-2021

VACCINE UPDATE CMS Mandate Rule Temporarily Halted in KansasKansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt along with 9 other State Attorneys General successfully obtained a ruling today in the US District Court in the Eastern District of...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 12-10-2021

FEDERAL NEWS Congressional Attention to Vaccine MandatesThe US Senate passed S.J. Res.29, a joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 2-21-2022

STATE NEWS Battelle UpdateThere are now less than 7 weeks remaining prior to the deadline (March 31, 2022.) Given Battelle’s onboarding process can take about 4 weeks, if you’re interested in continued routine testing support,...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 10-24-2022

LEADINGAGE KANSAS NEWS Friday WebinarJoin us this Friday for an update on what is going on pertaining to COVID, updates on the association front, and much more. We will also hear from Del Gilbert with...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 5-21-2021

STATE NEWS BACHA Votes to Extend 2020 LNHA Renewals to June 30, 2021The KS Board of Adult Care Home Administrators met yesterday to discuss renewals for individuals who were required to renew in 2020 but...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 8-9-2021

STATE NEWS Highlights of Latest KDHE COVID-19 Update for Local Partners Webinar (August 5th)  Slide 8 - Disease spread trend sharply increased over previous weekSlide 9 - an average of 837 cases/day as opposed to 618...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 7-25-2022

STATE NEWS Don’t Forget the July 27th, 1 PM Statewide LTC Provider WebinarPresenters: KDADS and KDHE officials.  Click to Register LEADINGAGE KANSAS NEWS Make Sure to Join Us This Friday for a Special PresentationThis Friday, we will...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 9-27-2021

STATE NEWS KDHE Weekly COVID-19 Update Recording AvailableThe slides and Q&A for the 9-23-21 COVID-19 Update for Local Partners webinar are available. You can access the recording of the webinar here. The next COVID-19 Update for...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 10-18-2021

LEADINGAGE KANSAS NEWS No Weekly Webinar this FridayThere will be no call this week, October 22nd as we will be wrapping up our Fall Conference. We will resume on October 29th and feature members who...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 10-22-2021

STATE NEWS Select Committee on Government Overreach and the Impact of COVID-19 MandatesThe Kansas legislature created a special committee on COVID-19 vaccine mandates, and it will meet for the first time on Friday, October 29th...