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Section for COVID 19 information

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 6-11-2021

FEDERAL NEWS OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard for Healthcare SettingsYes, the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health posted an emergency temporary standard for health care settings; it focuses on healthcare workers most likely to have...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 6-9-2021

FEDERAL UPDATE CDC COVID-19 Study Shows mRNA Vaccines Reduce Risk of Infection by 91 Percent for Fully Vaccinated PeopleA new CDC study finds the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (Pfizer-BioNTech...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 6-7-2021

FEDERAL UPDATE HUD Issues Updated Brochure to Address Resident COVID-19 ConcernsHUD has issued an updated resident brochure addressing tenant concerns during the pandemic, including information about the current eviction moratorium. The brochure reminds residents that rent...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 6-4-2021

STATE UPDATE KDHE COVID-19 Update for Local PartnersThe slides and Q&Afor the 6-3-21 COVID-19 Update for Local Partners webinar are available. Here is the webinar recording. The next COVID-19 Update for Local Partners will take place...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 6-2-2021

STATE UPDATE TA’s Can STILL Work to June 15thIn a recent change of stance, KDADS confirmed that Temporary Aides can still work until 11:59 PM on June 15th. You may recall that they gave May...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 5-28-2021

STATE UPDATE State Emergency Declaration Extended to June 15thOn a vote of 6-2 the Legislative Coordinating Council agreed to extend the current COVID-19 emergency declaration to June 15th. They also voted to revoke the moratorium...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 5-26-2021

STATE UPDATE KDADS Budget UpdateAt our weekly meeting yesterday, KDADS informed us that they submitted the special plan amendment (SPA) to CMS yesterday that would allow them to distribute the $15/day Medicaid dollars. CMS has...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 5-24-2021

FEDERAL NEWS CDC Call to ActionThe CDCCall to Action for Healthcare Providers asks health care leaders to make a strong recommendation to patients that they get a COVID vaccine.  The note says that healthcare providers’...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 5-21-2021

STATE NEWS BACHA Votes to Extend 2020 LNHA Renewals to June 30, 2021The KS Board of Adult Care Home Administrators met yesterday to discuss renewals for individuals who were required to renew in 2020 but...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 5-19-2021

STATE NEWS CARES Act/Spark Funds Audits Will Start Soon At the direction of Kansas’s Office of Recovery, KDADS will begin conducting audits in a few weeks on the CARES Act (a.k.a. Spark) funding distributed to nursing...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 5-17-2021

LEADINGAGE KANSAS NEWS Here is the Recording of Our Weekly Webinar from Last WeekYou can listen to the recording here. Download the handouts. Make plans to join us this Friday at 10 AM. Register here. LEADINGAGE NATIONAL...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 5-12-2021

STATE NEWS Updated Visitation GuidanceKDADS has posted updated Visitation Guidance in the KDADS COVID-19 Guidance Documents page of the KDADS website. Changes are noted in red font and deletions are noted are indicated by strikethrough. FEDERAL...