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Section for COVID 19 information

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 3-31-2020

KANSAS UPDATES Revised Guidance for Kansas HCBS Waiver Programs for Brain Injuries Kansas Health Officials Confirm Another Life Care Center Coronavirus Outbreak COVID-19 Public Update – 428 Confirmed Cases If you have a resident...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 10-23-2020

LEADINGAGE KANSAS NEWS Thanks for Joining Us Today for Our Weekly WebinarHere is the recording to the meeting which included our annual business meeting. Here are the handouts. If you haven’t already, register for upcoming Friday...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 10-28-2020

FEDERAL NEWS CMS Hosts Calls for GuidanceCMS hosts calls for certain types of organizations on an intermittent basis to provide targeted updates on the agency’s latest COVID-19 guidance. One to two leaders in the field...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 8-19-2020

FEDERAL UPDATES CMS Announces Resumption of Routine Surveys.HUD on Track to Implement NSPIRE Inspection Model. LEADINGAGE UPDATE LeadingAge Letter to Seema Verma.Coronovirus Daily Member Update for 8-17-2020.View the Latest Info, News, and Tools from LeadingAge. COVID-19 RESOURCES Spiritual Resources...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 3-30-2020

KANSAS UPDATE Long Term Care State Waiver Request: A Joint Association Letter from LeadingAge Kansas, KHCA & KACE There are 368 Cases of COVID-19 Now Reported in KS If you have a resident or...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 1-15-2021

VACCINE NEWS Q. Now that residents and staff are getting vaccinated, do we have to continue routine COVID-19 testing per the county positivity rate data? A. Yes. Getting the vaccine should not affect testing plans or...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 7-27-2020

LEADINGAGE NATIONAL UPDATE Help Us Get HHS Funding for Private Pay Assisted LivingRelief funds for private-pay assisted living providers are under consideration from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). To help facilitate this, HHS...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 4-10-2020

LEADINGAGE KANSAS UPDATES New Resource There is so much information coming your way quickly making it hard to keep up. To help, we have created a COVID-19 101 for Nursing Homes web resource. This page addresses...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 2-1-2021

LEADINGAGE KANSAS NEWS Weekly Webinar RecordingThanks to all who joined us Friday morning for our weekly webinar. Here is the recording and here are the handouts. Jump on each week for information and updates about...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 4-9-2020

LEADINGAGE KANSAS UPDATES Weekly Webinar with Congressman Marshall LeadingAge Kansas, Kansas Health Care Association and Kansas Adult Care Executives invites you to attend a call with Congressman Roger Marshall, M.D. (KS-01), Charlotte Pineda, MPP, Senior Health...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 6-19-2020

LEADINGAGE KANSAS UPDATES Daily Update Moving to Three Times a WeekSince early March, information about the pandemic has come out fast and furious and it was imperative that we keep you updated on all of...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update 4-2-2020

LEADINGAGE KANSAS UPDATES Join LeadingAge Kansas on our weekly member call to talk all things COVID-19 on Fri, Apr 3, 2020 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM and Fri, Apr 10, 2020 10:00 AM –...