Welcome New Associate Members

  With the LeadingAge Kansas Spring Conference only 2 weeks away, we would like to feature more of our new Associate Members that will be Exhibiting at the Expo. Legacy Healthcare Services is a therapist-owned and...

Diesel Fuel Testing Laboratories

CMS now requires providers to have their fuel tested on an annual basis. The Office of the Fire Marshal has put together a list of fuel testing laboratories capable of helping homes meet that...

New Regulatory Roundup from LeadingAge National

With regulatory initiatives and developments often taking center stage in members’ quest for operational compliance, the ability to quickly learn the basics and have access to more in-depth information about regulatory initiatives and developments...

Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture Sponsored by AHRQ

AHRQ sponsored the development of the Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture in response to requests for a survey in this setting. This survey is designed specifically for nursing home providers and other staff and asks...

Network with Others in Your Area About Disaster Preparedness

  Every LeadingAge Kansas member is encouraged to get engaged with their Regional Healthcare Coalition. Each coalition is a unique voluntary collaborative network of healthcare organizations serving as a regional multiagency group for healthcare disaster coordination. LeadingAge...

Workforce Focus at this 2018 Spring Conference & Expo

Besides having a workforce keynote, this conference will have 4 outstanding workforce focused breakout sessions to participate in April 24th – 25th in Wichita, Kansas sponsored by the LeadingAge Kansas Foundation. Moving the Need on Culture...

Webinar: Sexuality in Long-Term Care – One Month Away

This topic is often overlooked and not recognized as it should, attend this valuable education for yourself and your organization. Sexuality in Long-Term Care will be presented May 8th from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM by Gayle Doll...