Check out UST Services for Nonprofits

With unemployment claims being so unpredictable, taking the time to review your unemployment costs and funding options is vital to maintaining your nonprofit, employees and mission.  Unemployment Services Trust (UST) offers nonprofits like yours...

Fair Housing

  April is Fair Housing month. Here are few sources of information on frequently discussed fair housing issues among LeadingAge Kansas members: LeadingAge Fair Housing info Fair Housing Institute Fair Housing First Consider subscribing to a fair...

Hospice Compare Now Includes Customer Satisfaction Info

The CAHPS Hospice Survey results are now included on Hospice Compare. Hospice Compare is a user-friendly web tool. It provides information to help patients, their families, caregivers, and providers make more informed decisions about choosing a...

Great Job to Autumn Hills Home Plus

Way to go Annie Peace and the entire team at Autumn Hills Home Plus in Manhattan on their recent deficiency-free survey.

Congratulations to Prairie Homestead

Hats off to Diane Hull and the team at Prairie Homestead on their recent deficiency-free assisted living survey.

Welcome Denise Wolney

Welcome to Denise Wolney, new administrator at Mission Village Living Center in Horton.