Legislative Update | March 22, 2024

That's a Wrap for Standing Committees On Tuesday this week, Senate Public Health and Welfare took action on HB2777, the body camera bill. The amendment introduced by Senator Pettey inserted language allowing the Fire Marshal’s...

Legislative Update | March 1, 2024

Week 8 at the Kansas Statehouse While it was a slow start for most committees after turnaround, the budget committees took off full speed with KDHE and KDADS budget report outs to the full House...

Legislative Update | February 23, 2024

Turnaround Time We’ve finally made it to turnaround. While there are still numerous bills left in committee or on each chamber’s floor, a good portion of the bills we’ve been following made it through the...

Legislative Update | February 9, 2024

Emotions Run High Over Patient Bill of Rights On Wednesday this week, Senate Public Health and Welfare held their hearing on SB 352, the John D. Springer Patient Bill of Rights. With 6 proponents testifying...