LeadingAge members,

On behalf of LeadingAge, I would like to share LeadingAge’s recently completed strategic framework.

When I started my new role as president and CEO of LeadingAge in January, I realized that I had a great opportunity to work with the board of directors to reframe what we do at the national level and to rethink how we position ourselves in the aging services field. We took a deep look at why we exist, what we do, and where we should be headed.

Very recently, the board approved a new mission and vision statement, as well as core values and strategic goals. I look forward to conversations with you about how we achieve this mission and advance the vision. I believe this strategic framework reinforces our unflagging commitment to positive social change, our deep support for and appreciation of our members, our desire to have an impact, and our leadership in Washington, DC, and in our field.

Mission Statement

To be the trusted voice for aging in America.

To be the trusted voice for aging is a high bar and a BIG responsibility. It is one that we share with our members in thousands of communities across the country. It is one that acknowledges our expertise, our principled leadership, our big and brave hearts, our proactive advocacy, and our unwavering commitment to the well-being of people as they age and their families. Trust is earned through action, so we will act.

Vision Statement

An America freed from ageism.

This vision takes us back to our beginnings as an association. In 1961, our founders stated, “We are here to ensure that every older person has the right and the opportunity to develop his or her full human potential, regardless of age.” Although not recognized or labeled at the time, weren’t our founders really saying we are here because we believe in the worth of people, regardless of age and that, as we age, we deserve to grow older with respect, dignity, and choice? An American freed from ageism.

We need to engage together in a conversation to identify our unique contribution to this ambitious aspiration. We need to imagine what a country freed of ageism might look like and how, given who we are and what we do, we can make a difference.

Core Values

Core values define our behavior and guide our decision making. These values are the result of rich conversations among our staff and the board of directors.

  • Courage – take risks, break new ground, do what is right.
  • Community – value diverse thought, foster collective action, build powerful relationships.
  • Catalyst – partner and connect to solve problems and create opportunity.
  • Stewardship – be responsible guardians, hold ourselves accountable for mission, vision, and values.

Strategic Goals

The strategic goals outlined here will guide our work over in the next few years.

  • Social Impact – Use our voice to advance policy solutions so that all people can age with choice and dignity.
  • Workforce – Reposition the field of aging services to attract and support a quality workforce.
  • Member Value – Sharpen the value we deliver and enhance member engagement in our mission and vision.
  • Create Opportunities – Create new opportunities that will strengthen revenue and expand LeadingAge’s leadership in the field of aging services.

With this strategic framework, I believe LeadingAge is positioned for a dynamic future. We have a responsibility and a bold purpose, grounded in what you do in your communities across the country, enabling all to grow older with respect, dignity, and choice.

I am grateful to our board of directors under the capable leadership of our board chair, Kathryn Roberts, for its extraordinary work over the last 6 months. And I am looking forward to our work together in the coming years.

Thank you for your support.
