Does Your Health Plan Balance Cost with Needs of Your Employees? Check out EBI, Your Association’s Health Plan.
EBI is the nonprofit LeadingAge Kansas self-funded, multiple employer health plan. It was formed after 2+ years of due diligence, detailed plan design and serious actuarial work. Board members include LeadingAge Kansas members Ed Strahm, Charlotte Rathke, Mike Smith, Beth Green and Jason Stucky. EBI is now in its second year of operation, covering nearly 1300 lives. The plan is on stable footing and premiums run about 20+% lower than market on average. EBI includes many options for employers to customize benefits and employer/employee contributions. The plan also has several specialty support programs to help employees navigate the health system, contain costs and improve outcomes. Interested in learning more? Contact Sharon Earlenbaugh or Jenifer Martinez or call them at (816) 216-1979. OR stop by the EBI booth at the spring conference next week.