For a resident of a nursing home who is an applicant or recipient of Medicaid, the KanCare Clearinghouse can only provide basic status information without proper releases signed by the resident or resident’s legal representative. If the Clearinghouse does not have a proper release, it may delay resolution of your inquiries and may delay payment of claims. 

The Clearinghouse is allowed to communicate the following basic information to a nursing home provider:

  • Status of a resident’s Medicaid application (approved, denied, or pending)
  • Effective dates of Medicaid coverage
  • Patient liability
  • Name and contact information for Medical Representative
  • Managed care organization (MCO) assignment

If a resident wants the provider to have more information about their case, such as why their application is pending, have the resident complete the Facilitator Authorization Form and submit the completed form to the KanCare Clearinghouse.   


  The Clearinghouse can accept a facilitator request in two ways:

  • If the beneficiary is completing a paper application and the application has not yet been submitted, the beneficiary can complete the Facilitator section on  Page 14 of the paper application. The beneficiary must check the Facilitator box near the bottom of the page.
  • If the paper application has already been submitted or the beneficiary is applying online, the beneficiary must complete a separate Facilitator Authorization Form.

A blank copy of the English and Spanish versions is available for download here.

The Facilitator Authorization Form will be valid for six months or until the application is processed. If the beneficiary wishes for you to receive information for a longer period of time (up to 12 months), they can indicate that on the form.   Once a signed Facilitator Authorization Form is received, the Clearinghouse will be able to share additional information with you. You will then get copies of all letters sent to the resident about their application. 

The Clearinghouse’s goal is to work with the nursing homes to obtain all of the necessary information from the applicant in order to process the application so facilities can receive payment for services.   To do that, they need to be able to tell the nursing home representative specifically what information is needed. 

If you have specific questions about the Facilitator Authorization Form, call the Clearinghouse at 1-800-792-4884.

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Addy Mead is our Administrative Coordinator. A Summa Cum Laude graduate of Wichita State University’s Math Education program, Addy is using her planning and organizational skills, creativity, and love of helping others to support our providers and members. As Administrative Coordinator, Addy’s primary duties include overseeing general member communications through social media, our Weekly Member Calls, the Aging Update, and database and website maintenance. She also collaborates with Stephanie and Nicole to plan, produce, and market professional development events, manage Continuing Education processing, as well as assisting with office administration activities. Outside of the office, Addy enjoys crafting, bartending, and spending time with her partner and their two cats. You can reach Addy directly at 785.670.8049.