Introducing Two New Webinars.  “Social Media In the HIPPA Age” and “Websites That Work (For YOU!)”

These two webinars will have your website and social media working for your organization presented by Lori Dove, Dove Media.

Social Media in the HIPPA Age
June 25, 2019 | 2:00 – 3:00 PM

A guide for helping administrators and employees understand their industry’s special considerations when it comes to social media and digital marketing. The legal regulations, privacy concerns and risks add extra layers of social media difficulty for CCRC and related organizations to manage. At the same time, consumers and prospective residents are adopting social media quickly and expect your organization to be there. We help you navigate the concerns and strike a balance that benefits your organization. Learn more.

Websites That Work (For YOU!)
July 30, 2019 | 2:00 – 3:00 PM

Is your website working for your organization? Discover how you can convert visitors into leads by including the right information, in the right way, on your website. Potential residents should see themselves in the stories you tell, know that you understand their challenges and trust that you can help them overcome those challenges. In this workshop, you’ll find not only the keys to the success of a brand new website project, but also ideas to retool an existing website by discovering what could be improved. Learn more.