KDHE Division of Health Care Finance is offering five Medicaid Training courses beginning October 16, 2018. Due to limitations on their presenters’ time, they will not be offering their regular 4-week Medicaid Training Session. However, they are offering 4 separate days. The courses in this curriculum provide an overview of Kansas Medicaid with the following courses;
- Introduction to Medicaid Managed Care;
- The Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) mandate;
- Working Healthy/Work (WH/WORK);
- Medicaid Codes & Claims; and Grievance, Appeals, & State Fair Hearings.
Registration is first-come, first served, and must be completed using the attached registration form. All training sessions will be held at Eisenhower State Office Building, 4th Floor Auditorium A, 700 SW Harrison, Topeka, KS 66603.
KDHE Medicaid Training includes many valuable resources. This is instructor led interactive training for any staff in any agency that deals with Medicaid (KanCare). Introduction to Medicaid Managed Care, Codes & Claims, Working Healthy/WORK, and EPSDT courses are not intended for consumers or family members. Grievance, Appeals, & State Fair Hearings course is open to consumers and family members of consumers. Please share Grievance, Appeals, & State Fair Hearings information with your consumers and family members of consumers.
For more information, see the registration form and announcement.