Strategic Planning | Issue 2 | March 2017

Welcome to LeadingAge Kansas’ second issue of For Your Board. Each quarter this publication will focus on a specific governance topic to help you, your leadership team and your board in planning, strategic thinking and execution as you seek to sustain and amplify your mission.

Remember, exceptional governance does not happen by accident. If we want staff and volunteer leadership partnerships that add value to our organizations, we must intentionally focus on our governance practices – constantly refining and evolving.

Please let us know how you use this publication, if it proves helpful, what other topics you would like to see us focus on, and how we can best serve you and your board.

Download and print a PDF of this article to present to your Board of Directors and read the rest of the newsletter.

For more information, or to have Debra Zehr talk to your Board about trends in aging services, governance or the current state of our field, please contact Debra at 1.800.264.5242 or