Google employee engagement and you will find hundreds of articles (and infographics) on the topic.  The top business and HR minds in the country know that employee engagement in the workplace is directly tied to the success of an organization.  LeadingAge National has even published articles on the subject in regards to senior living providers.

How do you know if your employees are engaged?  Take their pulse by conducting a survey. You can enlist a professional company to help you, or you can do it yourself for free.   Many of our members conduct employee satisfaction surveys on a yearly basis – which is great.  However, in this short-stay culture, yearly surveys might be too infrequent.  For instance, the John Deere company surveys their employees every two weeks to gauge what is going on in their organization.  The Harvard Business Review recently published an article on their practice and how it helps them with employee engagement, performance and team productivity.

While we are not advocating for you to survey your employees every two weeks, a yearly survey may not be enough.  We are curious – how often do you conduct employee engagement surveys?  How do you use the data once received?  How has your organization improved outcomes as a result?

Let Dana Weaver know the answers to the above questions and you might be featured in an upcoming article under Workforce News.  We are also looking for best practices in engaging and supporting employees from other cultures to share with our readers.