Kansas State Capitol building located in Topeka, Kansas, USA.

On Tuesday, LeadingAge Kansas provided testimony on HB2249 (REH Skilled Nursing Bed Bill) in Senate Public Health and Welfare. HB2392 (Nurse Faculty Education Requirements Bill) will be heard and debated on the House floor on Wednesday. If the bill moves forward, final action can take place on the bill tomorrow and it will progress to the Senate. The presentation on contract healthcare staffing to House Social Services Budget will take place Thursday at 3:30 PM. Kylee Childs with LeadingAge Kansas and Linda MowBray with Kansas Healthcare Association will work together on explaining standards for agencies and tech platform companies across the nation and the need for standards in Kansas.  

HB2163 (Aging Services Preceptor Tax Incentive Bill) has the potential to be worked either Wednesday or Thursday this week. After it is worked, it will need to be heard on the House floor before transitioning to the Senate for additional hearings.  

All non-exempt committees will have to complete final action on their bills by Tuesday next week to be eligible to be heard and worked on either chamber’s floor. The chambers will be on their respective floors all day Wednesday through Friday next week before we head into conference committee meetings the last week of March.  

Make sure you register for Aging Services Day on March 24 to share how important these pieces of legislation are with your legislators! 

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Kylee Childs, MSW, is the Director of Government Affairs.Since joining the association in 2023, she continues to be a fierce and resourceful advocate for aging services in Kansas. Her professional focus has always been service to others through advocacy. Kylee has a master’s degree in social work from the University of Missouri-Columbia, a bachelor's degree in criminology with a minor in Conflict Analysis and Trauma studies from Kansas State University, and a certificate in Grant Proposal Writing from Fort Hays State University. With a professional background in law enforcement and child welfare, and a successful 2023 legislative practicum with the Children's Alliance of Kansas, she brings rich professional experience to her role as Director of Government Affairs, and a front-line perspective on the needs of health and human services providers in our state. When not working, she's spending time with her two daughters. You can reach Kylee directly at 785.670.8051.