With House Judiciary Chair, Fred Patton, announcing his departure from the Kansas Legislature earlier this fall, House Speaker Dan Hawkins has had to make some committee leadership decisions. Brenda Landwehr will be moving from the K-12 Education Budget committee to the House Judiciary committee. Representative Kyle McNorton, who is filling Patton’s house seat, will take Landwehr’s seat on the K-12 Budget committee and Rep. Jason Goetz of Dodge City will serve as vice chair of this committee.  

Additional moves in the House include Representative Mike Thompson replacing Representative Tory Blew’s seat on House Financial Institutions and Pensions. Blew is replacing Patton’s seat on House Commerce. Representative Clark Sanders will replace Blew’s seat on the House Higher Education Budget committee. Representative Susan Humphries will move off the House Federal and State Affairs Committee to chair the House Judiciary Committee in place of Patton. 

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Kylee Childs, MSW, is the Director of Government Affairs.Since joining the association in 2023, she continues to be a fierce and resourceful advocate for aging services in Kansas. Her professional focus has always been service to others through advocacy. Kylee has a master’s degree in social work from the University of Missouri-Columbia, a bachelor's degree in criminology with a minor in Conflict Analysis and Trauma studies from Kansas State University, and a certificate in Grant Proposal Writing from Fort Hays State University. With a professional background in law enforcement and child welfare, and a successful 2023 legislative practicum with the Children's Alliance of Kansas, she brings rich professional experience to her role as Director of Government Affairs, and a front-line perspective on the needs of health and human services providers in our state. When not working, she's spending time with her two daughters. You can reach Kylee directly at 785.670.8051.